Falun Dafa Introduction

Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong, or just Dafa) is a “Cultivation Practice“.

Falun Dafa Practitioners cultivate their hearts in accordance with the principle of “Truthfulness (真, Zhēn), Compassion (善, Shàn), and Forbearance (忍, Rěn)” to gain wisdom toward life and become a better person.

Falun Dafa Practitioners also do five sets of simple and gentle exercises, including a sitting meditation, to balance and improve the well-being of their body and mind.

For details on how and where to learn Falun Gong, visit: www.falundafa.org

Unlike monastic paths of cultivation, Falun Dafa is practiced in society, with students marrying, raising children, and pursuing a wide variety of careers. Falun Dafa Practitioners are taught not to let personal opinions, religious rituals, political motivations or organizational formalities ruin the purity of their cultivation, but to take fame and gains lightly.

Falun Dafa emphasizes on the cultivation of one’s heart in daily life with independent thinking and clear awareness of one’s conscious in all situations. It is stressed that a practitioner should always seek inside for self-improvement whenever in conflict with others and striving to become better and better person in all environments.

Falun Dafa practitioners exercising in US
Falun Dafa practitioners exercising in USA

In 1992, Mr. Li Hongzhi first taught Falun Dafa publicly in the city of Changchun, China, and then continued to lecture all across the country. Those who attended experienced very profound benefits both physically and mentally. As a result, the number of practitioners grew very quickly. By 1998, at least 70 million people had taken up the practice in China alone. Today, Falun Dafa is practiced and cherished by an estimated 100 million people in over 100 countries, and has received a plethora of honors.

There is no membership, in the same way that one can practice Tai-chi but not actually be a part of any organization. There is no restrictions or obligations imposed on anyone, people can join or leave anytime. For those who want to learn, the teaching is always open to the public and free of charge. Once learned, some choose to practice alone at home while others like to practice together and discuss how their cultivation is coming along.

Practitioners understand that the wish to uplift the soul is something deeply personal and can never be imposed upon anyone.

Zhuan Falun

Zhuan Falun, Written by Mr. Li Hongzhi, this book comprises the principal teachings of Falun Dafa. It is the definitive guide to Falun Dafa which gives a comprehensive explanation of Falun Dafa that ranges across an enormous array of topics, shedding light where no other authors have.

You can download free at www.FalunDafa.org; or you can purchase the book at www.TianTiBooks.org.

Zhuan Falun Beginner Package

Five Falun Gong Exercises

Mr. Li Hongzhi demos Falun Gong exercises.
Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of the spiritual practice of Falun Gong, demonstrates the five sets of exercises.

Falun Emblem

The Falun Emblem is the symbol of Falun Dafa.

It consists of one large and four small Swastika symbols (representing the Buddha School) and ) and four small Taiji (yin-yang) symbols (representing the Dao School).

Falun Emblem

The Swastika did NOT originate as a Nazi symbol of hatred. SWASTIKA is derived from the Sanskrit word: SVASTIKAH, which means ‘being fortunate’. It is an ancient symbol of good luck, prosperity, and long life, used in ancient cultures such as India and China.

Awards and Recognition of Falun Dafa

Since its public introduction in May 1992, constant diligent cultivation has brought significant changes to many practitioners in both physical conditions and moral values. At the same time, Falun Dafa is gaining worldwide understanding and appreciation, especially in Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Please visit www.minghui.org for the list of Awards and Recognition of Falun Dafa from the world.

Personal Stories

Lucia Dunn- Ohio State Economics Professor

Lucia Dunn, Ohio State economics professor, talked about her experiences practicing Falun Gong:

My name is Lucia Dunn. I’m a professor of economics at Ohio State University in Colombus, Ohio. I’ve been a Falun Dafa practitioner for almost 15 years—it’ll be 15 years this fall.

The main benefit I got from becoming a Falun Dafa practitioner was that it changed my mind, it helped me get a clearer vision of what life was all about—what the purpose of life was. I started living my life by Truthfulness, Compassion & Forbearance…and it just changed everything; it made everything in my family happier, there was more harmony in my family—they all noticed that I had become easier to live with… I think my students benefited, I think my research benefited, and I became more caring, I think, of my students—more determined to do a good job by them. I think I just got more productive all around because I—my mind is more at peace…

Forced organ harvesting became known 2006, and that’s where a lot of my effort has gone in the ensuing years. We have collected thousands of signatures on the Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting petition that goes to the United Nations Human Rights Commission every year; and we pass out our flyers, we visit our congresspeople, our representatives, about it—there’s a huge effort going on there—we have to bring that to light so that people know…

I’d like to say: Master Li, thank you, thank you, thank you so much…and happy birthday, Master Li. Falun Dafa hao! (Falun Dafa is good!)

Sterling Campbell: Famous Drummer

Sterling Campbell (famous David Bowie band’s drummer) is a professional musician based in New York City. He says: “I used to do drugs, I used to drink and smoke heavily — I don’t even know where to begin telling you how decadent my life was, touring all over the world playing gigs. The lifestyle was making me freaked out and paranoid, but I didn’t know how to pull out of it. I was lost.” At some point he figured there had to be another way. “I just didn’t know where to find it, which made me even more depressed and self-destructive.”

Falun Gong Practitioner: Sterling Campbell
With the Chinese characters “Truthfulness, Compassion, and forebearance” emblazoned on his drum kit, Sterling Campbell uses his music as a platform for human rights in China

Then one day, Sterling happened to be taking a walk in the park when he became intrigued by a small group of people practicing smooth, flowing movements. He started learning the Falun Gong exercises and reading Zhuan Falun and he says it really struck a chord within him. “It seemed to make so much sense that we should detach ourselves from our greed, competitiveness, and ego. I suddenly realized what a fake I had been all these years.”

Sterling was also attracted by the purity and simplicity of the practice and how all activities are free of charge. “When I first started, I kept wondering: where’s the catch? I had tried yoga and all sorts of Eastern disciplines, but so many teachers just wanted to take my money. With Falun Dafa, I couldn’t believe it — it was so positive and powerful, and yet no one wanted money or anything else from me.”

That was more than a year ago, and he’s still practicing. He says that sticking to it is in itself remarkable for a skeptical New Yorker like himself: “Trying to be a good person in accordance with Falun Dafa all the time is incredibly hard, but I can’t imagine living any other way now. I can honestly say I’m happier — on a much deeper level. Looking back on my life before, I just want to shout out: ‘This stuff really works!'”

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