Introducing Falun Dafa to the Navajo in Arizona

The Navajo (Navajo: Diné or Naabeehó) in the American Southwest are the largest federally recognized American Indian tribe in the United States, with 300,048 enrolled tribal members. When I was…
The Navajo (Navajo: Diné or Naabeehó) in the American Southwest are the largest federally recognized American Indian tribe in the United States, with 300,048 enrolled tribal members. When I was…
To clarify the truth of Falun Gong persecution to Native Americans, while the Navajo Indians were holding their 37th-annual To’Nanees’Dizi Din¨¦ Fair from October 13 to 16, more than ten…
Falun Gong practitioners were invited to set up a booth and participate in the parade Navajo Fair From October 14 to October 17, 2004 in Tuba City, Arizona. A group…