Falun Gong practitioners from Arizona came together for a full day of studying the Fa and sharing on August 8. The day was concluded with a Candlelight Vigil at a busy intersection of the largest city park in Tucson. The practitioners sat for an hour, sending forth righteous thoughts with their most compassionate hearts.
The event was intended not only as a time to remember those who have been persecuted in China, but also a time to remember that Falun Gong and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance cannot be damaged, no matter how brutal, severe and irrational the persecution. Falun Dafa practitioners have remained steadfast throughout.
Planning for the vigil also provided an opportunity to remind the local media of the peaceful nature of Falun Gong and the realities of the ongoing persecution. The anchor of a local Access Tucson program, who has conducted interviews about the persecution and organ harvesting, came out to support the effort.