How a woman went from being unable to move her legs to miraculously standing, walking and even running again. Recalling Master Li Hongzhi's healing miracle at the 1992 Beijing Oriental Health Expo.

Witness the extraordinary case of a woman's massive abdominal tumor vanishing in minutes at the 1992 Beijing Health Expo. Explore this baffling medical miracle that challenges conventional understanding.

How a 70-Year-Old Woman Walked Again After 18 Years of Paralysis at the 1993 Beijing Health Expo...

When modern medicine failed, a woman turned to Falun Dafa. Her inspiring battle against bone cancer is a story you won't want to miss.

How an agricultural tech CEO overcame a huge neuroendocrine tumor, defying a two-month life expectancy and finding new health.

Menstrual pain ended! Taiwanese woman conquered 20 years of dysmenorrhea with Falun Gong. Learn about her inspiring journey to health and happiness and explore a potential solution for your own well-being.

Weiyu Li, a doctor of pharmacy from Taiwan, suffered from asthma and rhinitis since childhood and recovered without medication after practicing Falun Gong. This article explores his amazing experience and scientific research supporting the health benefits of Falun Gong.