The NTDTV’s Chinese New Year Spectacular, performed by the Divine Performing Arts, was staged at the Dodge Theatre, Phoenix, AZ, on January 14, 2008. Mayor Phil Gordon of the City of Phoenix proclaimed January 14, 2008 as Divine Performing Arts Day in Phoenix.

Divine Performing Arts Day
City of Phoenix
Office of the Mayor
A Proclamation
Divine Performing Arts Day
Whereas, the Foundation for Traditional Culture is a public charity dedicated to promoting cross-cultural exchange, awareness and education throughout the Great Phoenix Area; and
Whereas, on January 14, 2008, the Foundational for Traditional Culture will host the largest celebration of traditional Chinese culture in the world, the Divine Performing Arts’ 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular. This world-class production will take place at the Dodge Theatre in downtown Phoenix; and
Whereas, the Chinese New Year Spectacular offers a unique opportunity to strengthen our communities and foster understanding between Chinese and West societies; and
Whereas, the mission of Divine Performing Arts is to rediscover and present the essence of true, traditional culture and to bring arts to the world that celebrate human dignity and positive values; and
Whereas, the Chinese New Year Spectacular is not only entertainment, but a valuable and gracious gesture toward cross-cultural understanding; and
Whereas, hundreds of dancers, musicians, designers, choreographers, and production specialists work year round to ensure the authenticity of the presentation and the artistic excellence of the production;
Whereas, the Divine Performing Arts group has toured more than 30 cities around the world, gracing some of world’s most prestigious theaters and showcasing authentic traditional Chinese culture; and
Whereas, the Chinese New Year Spectacular will enhance the cultural and economic vitality of our City of Phoenix, Arizona, and promote tolerance and understanding among different cultures and races
Now, Therefore, I, Phil Gordon, Mayor of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, do hereby proclaim January 14, 2008 as Divine Performing Arts Day in Phoenix.
Given under my hand in these free United States in the City of Phoenix, on the seventeenth day of December, two thousand seven, and to which I have caused the Seal of the City of Phoenix to be affixed and have made this proclamation public.
Phil Gordon
City Clerk